Sunday, 26 April 2015

5th Habit: Seek First to Understand, then to be understood

:) Fifth habit says that the most important factor in good communication is listening carefully what the other person is saying. If you want to become effective, you first need to listen and understand what the other person is saying. 
A good doctor first undestands the problems of the patient, a good lawyer first gathers all the facts to understand the situation, a good sales person first understands the needs of others. :)

Sunday, 12 April 2015


¨LISTEN¨ , is the most importatnt word on this habit. Listen to your family, colleagues, friends, customers. Listen symply to understand, to see how the other party sees things, but not with intent to reply, to convice or manupulate.

Friday, 3 April 2015

3rd Habit "Put First things First¨

3rd habit Put First things First

It really puts the balance into your life. We all have different roles (e.g father, husband, employee, soccer player, personal development like escercise) and in order to be effective you may want to set goals in each of these areas in order to feel balanced. He suggests scheduling these goals for your roles in to your weekly calender so that other things don´t get in the way.